Friday, September 09, 2005

The Potter Party

Finally scanned in the pictures we took at the Harry Potter party in July. We had such a blast, and we even won the costume contest. Since we had already pre-ordered book 6, we got to choose another book. We got a free pre-order ticket for the new Series of Unfortunate Events book, due out this month, I think.

Anyway, my middle daughter went as Ginny Weasley. You can't really tell from the picture, but I had used temporary hair color to dye her hair red. It looked really cool. I made an iron-on of the Gryffindor patch and put it on a polo-type shirt. The socks I knitted, you can kind of see the gold and burgundy peeking out just under her skirt. My oldest daughter sewed the skirt, and we both worked on the robe. The wand I made with Sculpey and a paintbrush. When we walked in everyone knew she was Ginny.

My youngest daughter went as Fleur Delacour's little sister, Gabrielle. For some reason this is her favorite character, and she also likes the Beauxbaton costume. I did the same thing for the patch on her shirt that I did for my middle daughter, but we made her more of long cloak than a robe. The material is much lighter, sort of airy. The skirt and socks I bought at a school uniform store. Her hair is naturally blond, so no tricks there. Since getting into the books herself, she no longer wants Slytherin stuff. She used to like Slytherin because their color is green, and it matches her eyes.

My oldest daughter went as Tonks. She used that spray-in stuff to turn her hair pink, and made the T-shirt herself, borrowing the design from a band's cover art. You can't tell in this picture, but she was 8 months pregnant with Baby at the time. She and my youngest had to explain to people who they were. Oh, well, I guess everybody can't be freaks like us.

And of course there's me. I went as Mrs. Weasley, and everybody knew who I was supposed to be, too. I knitted the tam, my daughter made the skirt, and the shirt I bought. It took us a long time to find the right purse, but we finally found one that I think I could load several days work of stuff in, and still have room for more. I also dyed my hair red, but it doesn't show up in the picture.

We had such a great time, and are really looking forward for the movie to come out in December, so we can once again let our freak flags fly.

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